  • CV

Overview of the CV

The CV has been designed to be a ready-to-print HTML page. As of today, I have declined it in two versions: a french one and an english one.

In order to have a nice looking rendering for the CV, I followed advices from Coline Caillier.

How it is made and why?

To create this website, I decided to pick up frameworks, libraries and technologies as I wanted to learn them. This website undergone some major technology changes since it has been first used as a CV. I still use this project as a playground to experiment some frontend technologies.

Github Pages

You may be thinking that: All these technologies, librairies and framework may seems a bit too complicated to render a simple static page to print and I cannot agree more with this statement. However it is the result of years spent to learn, evaluate and try technologies; the result simply corresponds to the technologies I have pleasure to keep working with, even after a long hiatus.

The Chronology

2015: Creation of an HTML Version of the CV to be printer friendly


An HTML for the structure and the content and a CSS file for page setup, that was all. Creating multiple version of the document to match job offers was way more tedious than I anticipated, especially creating an english version.

2016: Adding logic and interaction with AngularJS

Angular v1
Github Pages

The goal of this iteration was to separate the content from the structure. Back then Angular.js was a popular choice; and publishing it with Github Pages was a straitforward process. So I had one JSON file for each CV and an Angular App rendering each of them.

Link to the source code

2017: Switch to React / Webpack & D3.js

Github Pages

Due to Angular API changes requirering to relearn the framework, I decided to try another framework : React. The approach of React was more appealing to me and a spearation based on functionnal components was game-changing. I also learnt D3.js for representing the skills on the CV and to integrate D3 and React together was a fun exercise.

Link to the source code

2021: Integrating React Components into Gatsby static site generator

Github Pages

As I was satisfied with both D3 and React, my experience with strongly typed language made me want to consider the TypeScript langugage.Gatsby static site generator was an opportuinity to try GraphQL and use Typescript while conserving most of the logic already existing in the previous iteration.